EN 61326-1:2013, the latest version of the standard, replaces EN 61326-1:2006 and became mandatory on August 14, 2015. EN 61326-1:2013 is equivalent to the international standard IEC 61326-1:2012. Please continue reading for a summary of the significant changes in EN 61326-1.
The first part defining the performance categories A and B remains unchanged in EN 61326-1:2013. However, the 2013 version includes a section relating to "allowable performance degradation". If manufacturers have not determined a minimum performance level or allowable performance degradation, users can infer these losses from the reasonable expectations of the device or product documentation. In other words, the functionality of a product can still be restored through user intervention, as specified in the 2006 version – the 2013 version just includes additional statements to clarify this.
In terms of emissions, the 2006 version references CISPR 11:2003, while the 2013 version references CISPR 11:2009+A1:2010. The first amendment to CISPR 11:2009 specifies alternative radiated emission limits for a 3m test distance for "small devices", defined as devices suitable for a cylindrical test volume with a height above ground of 1.5m and a diameter of 1.2m.
The electrostatic discharge test level has been increased from ±4kV contact discharge and ±4kV air discharge in the 61636:2006 version to ±4kV contact discharge and ±8kV air discharge in the 61326:2013 version. This change aims to make the standard more applicable to non-laboratory environments.
For magnetically sensitive devices, EN 61326-1:2013 introduces new requirements for power frequency magnetic field immunity (IEC 61000-4-8) with a test level of 3A/m. Affected device types include Hall effect sensors and magnetic relays.
In the industrial environment exemption section, each item now has clear performance criteria defined by the 2006 standard. No further modifications have been made, keeping this section largely unchanged.
Regarding immunity in controlled electromagnetic environments, EN 61326:2006 had a port category called "Measurement I/O" that allowed manufacturers to define the test level (i.e., no mandatory test level) and provide level information in the product documentation for EUT testing. In EN 61326:2013, this port category has been removed. Therefore, ports previously belonging to the "Measurement I/O" category now fall under the remaining "I/O signals/control" category, where the required test levels are determined by the standard rather than left to the discretion of the manufacturer.
For portable test equipment, EN 61326-1:2013 adds a new requirement for power frequency magnetic field immunity (IEC 61000-4-8) at a test level of 3A/m. It also allows for CRT display interference greater than 1A/m.
These changes will impact existing and new testing procedures. We have been testing according to this latest standard, and all reports will be issued based on the EN 61326-1:2013 version.
Customers wishing to update their products to the 2013 version can perform the applicable tests as needed. Once the additional testing requirements are met, reports can be reissued to reflect the 2013 version.
Although new magnetic immunity requirements have been added in EN 61326-2:2013, magnetic immunity testing is still not required in most cases, as it only needs to be conducted for devices containing components inherently susceptible to magnetic fields.
EN 61326-1:2013 includes key changes that manufacturers should not overlook. It also clarifies many of the standards mentioned in the 2006 version. Manufacturers should now test according to EN 61326-1:2013. The use of the 2006 guidelines is considered non-compliant, and products must comply with EN 61326-1 to be shipped to Europe.
For further clarification on these changes or requirements for testing according to EN 61326-1:2013, please contact us online. Our team will reach out to discuss the testing needed for your product and how we can provide a comprehensive solution.