


13301611026 021-62960601



手 机:13301611026
电 话:021-62960601
地 址:上海市闵行区中春路1288号金地威新科创园3号楼3层

CE认证:EN 61010


EN 61010-1:2010 has undergone several significant changes. Firstly, the scope of the standard has been expanded to include electrical testing and measuring equipment, electrical laboratory equipment, and electrical industrial process control equipment. However, handheld probe assemblies are no longer covered under IEC 61010-1 and now have their own standard, IEC 61010-031.

Secondly, as of October 1, 2013, products that need to comply with the European Low Voltage Directive and carry the CE mark must meet the requirements of EN 61010:2010 (3rd edition).

The main changes in EN 61010-1 (3rd edition) are summarized as follows:

1. Clause 5: Added requirements for red buttons and indicators.

2. Clause 6:

- New limits for products with permanent power cords.

- New testing requirements for transformers with protective screens.

- New requirements for multi-layer printed circuit boards, molded and encapsulated components, and thin film insulation.

- Annex K covers new requirements for insulation (including electrical clearances and creepage distances).

- Testing voltage is no longer based on creepage distance, therefore interpolation is no longer required.

- Voltage testing on solid insulation has changed from 5 seconds to 1 minute.

- The standard for impulse testing has changed from EN 60060 to EN 61180-1, and now requires 5 impacts instead of 3.

3. Clause 7:

- Added requirements for sharp edges.

- Added new requirements for moving parts, including risk assessment requirements.

- New requirements for gaps between moving parts, with limitations on force and pressure.

- New requirements for load testing of components supporting heavy loads.

- New requirements for supports and castors.

4. Clause 8:

- Introduction of risk assessment as a means to determine the tolerance level of equipment during mechanical stress testing.

- Introduction of IK ratings as a means to identify the required degree of protection for enclosures, referring to EN 62262.

5. Clause 10: Revised surface temperature limits to align with EN 563.

6. Clause 11:

- Added checks for high voltage leakage and rupture.

- Fluids are now defined to include liquids and gases.

- The drip test now includes corrosive substances (such as in IVD equipment in EN 61010-2-101).

7. Clause 12: Revised radiation requirements, including intentional and unintentional emissions.

8. Clause 16: New requirements for reasonably foreseeable misuse and ergonomics.

9. Clause 17: Added new Annex J to coordinate with risk assessment, addressing hazards and environments not covered by standard requirements.

- Requires manufacturers to review risk assessment documentation as part of the overall product evaluation.



